a department of
.... the science for a
future organization ....
what would have created any thing ?
there could only have been
an entirely empty space !
and then over an eternity
there in this totaly empty space
an entity starting
to develop himself
dreaming of light
in this total darkness
and over a further eternity
he started to make with his will
one eon after the other
out off nothing
just his will to wanting light
except for this complete emptiness
and because this universe
having no energy
you can create it the way
that there is no energy creation
because the whole being zero
a part of it negative energy
part of it positive energy
that the present universe
being the end
of a long development
to this respective creation
keeping perfecting
all these cosmologists
astonished about
this very perfection
we are assumeing
that the creation of this universe
being the creation of a trillion x trillion
real trillions = 1 000 000 000 000 000 000
former free souls of a perfect biology
to create a perfect now creation
and should sometime
after the end of this universe
a new one will have to be created
then it will be trillions x trillions
of former free souls
who will be createing this new universe
and if it were not
then there would not
be a single problem
in this cosmos
since we do not want anything
only the fulfillment of all homo sapiens
guaranteeing in this universe
but this jealousnesses
about the success of all this success
creating only all this need for harming
all environment
any humanity
needing no real help
no secure future
no humanity
only impose their harm on all
to guarantee this end in horror
and would not
the galactic pest control
put an end to this satanic acting
then all sapiens this universe
would be
no longer safe
haveing to work themselfs up
to being her own end
like here on
being non biological
but communicating with any brain
thereby any part of biology
being only needed
to making biology function
to exist and move
any plant having a spirit
having the capability
to guarding
our mind being every where
the cosmic spirit being in existence
since the beginning of creation
this spirit having
and our existence being
for the fulfillment
of creation
being our own fulfillment
as well as any other biology
being useful
for the fulfillment of creation
becoming part of eternity
there while
any thing hindering
the fulfillment of creation
being eliminated
from eternity
even though
we are having all proof
that this universe having a vision
for its creation
we are here argumenting
without even any intrinsic vision
by this universe itself
that having an order
guaranteeing human fulfillment
is neccessary for a life to eternity
because if any democratic party
is saying they are doing
what will be creating jobs
then this will not
save any environment
any humanity
because then we will be having
only non human entities
being inspired by this stupidity
un able to even principly
inspireing any real human
but just some dodos
wanting darwinian success
the same will apply
for guaranteeing predatory rights
being nothing but destruction
not human
since any predatory animals
will only be eating away
all the nourishment
humans need
if they are not eating them
there while not bringing inspiration
to any intelligent being
the same will apply
for any artistic doings
since no one in his right mind
will care about
any thing not bringing reality
where humans will be inspired by
again only some dodos
what being neccessary
for an eternal life in principle ?
we need to ask any homo sapiens
being full of wisdom
what they think
will bring humans fulfillment
till the end of eternity
we are hearing from those sapiens
that we need to ask what will bring
a solution for all
not what problems
any majority of a nation will want
for their vanity production
for their mass suicide
intelligent life needing positiveness
meaning solutions
meaning > meaning
meaning creating value
any thing making sense
so needing an
so now we can based on
that any creation wanting
not only light during the day
but endless inspiration through
all this argumentation going on at night
in any intelligent being community
inspireing all of them
for the next day to eternity
to be saving humanity
is about to be bringing yourself alive
since without a humanity
you can not be living
just dying
of sons and daughters
of sons and daughters
of sons and daughters
of sons and daughters
of perfectly animal
adapted chimpanzees
over million years
always only
guaranteeing their own survival
being never a human being
having human rights
never the global environment
never a climate
only the homo superesse
the survivors
those who have no wisdom
no legal ability
only the boasting
who is guaranteed to die out
as soon as the environment
being a survival
no longer
so as soon as the portuguese come
or as soon as the 2nd venus is here
with steaming seas
only rocks ... rubble
and sand
only high temperature bacteria
to be bragging about
we will
with the help of a democracy
the ability to survive
get going there
a leader
our survival politicians
to our madness
not to
because that being the only thing
what these are all going after
a bacterium successful
bragging around
we are the craziest
only of them grew up
having madness
no human
will have such
a strange idea come up with
no one will ever
be allowed any where
with so much madness
no human
can help those
lose their madness
since this is the only thing
what these all ...
no environment
no real success
no eternal life
So the democracies will bring freedom
to the people
so have the hope jesus christ will save us
So tolerance > freedom of expression and love would
So the right state > the completely wrong
who do not even have human rights
being enforceable > only fairy tale rights
would bring something else to the people
than that he abolishes himself for his end
something that a computer program
" world one " already did in 1973
predicted at MIT > that in 2020
will be the beginning of the end
and in 2040 nothing will exist anymore
only surviving barely
no more rights
no life at all
only a few million who abolishing themselves
like in the stone age > so have children
then die of all contamination
war and despair
we need to work out the reality !
and then act > so argue
so grasp the cosmic reality
so that only we save ourselves
or not ?
and no fata morgana fairy tales
like the democracies > churches >
all these tolerant opinions ...
now some one will say
that this being not true on planet dirt
and we will tell you
to start working on a humanity
or the galactic pest control
will have to come
the galactic
and here the documentation
of our intelligent life
our cosmic community
and here being
all the science behind
for guarding our humanity
from all this insanity
on planet dirt
the galactic
published by